membengkakkan bahasa Inggris
- membengkak: bulbar; bulge; bulged; bulging; puff up; puffing up; sweld; swell; swell up; swelled; swelled up; swelling up; swolen; swollen; swollen up; distended; bulge out; bug out; pouch; pop; start; bulk; pr
- membendung tekanan: stem the tide of
- membengkeng: whine
- membendung: dam; dam in; dam up; damed up; daming up; dammed; damming; staunch; staunched; staunching; stemmed; stemming; swaddle; swaddled; swaddling; bank; keep back; baulk; halt; kibosh; obstruct; stem; draw
- membengkok: curve; curved; curving; skew; stoop; crooked; curvilineal; bow; bent; bend; curvilinear; arched
- membendakan: nounize
- membengkokkan: bend; bended; bending; bent; crook; crooked; crooking; inflect; inflected; inflecting; bow
- membenci/tidak suka: loathe; execrate; detest; revile; abhor; hate
- membenihkan: shoot; sprout; spud; pullulate; burgeon forth; germinate; bourgeon
- Not ifyou don't mind bunions on your knuckles.
Tidak jika kau tidak keberatan membengkakkan buku-buku jarimu. - You said don't blow the budget.
Kau bilang jangan membengkakkan anggaran. - This thickens into plates which bump and collide in the swell, forming pancake ice.
Ini menebal ke piring yang bump dan bertabrakan di membengkakkan, membentuk es panekuk. - Clovis' army was slowed by a rain-swollen Vienne river, yet his forces were able to engage the Visigoths south of Vouillé.
Pasukan Clovis diperlambat oleh hujan yang membengkakkan Sungai Vienne, namun pasukannya mampu melibatkan Visigoth di selatan Vouillé. - Well, I heard a story on the news about a guy who ate an undercooked pork chop and got a worm that made his brain swell up super fast.
Yah, Kudengar berita soal pria yang makan daging babi yang kurang matang, dan ada cacing yang membengkakkan otaknya. - Undoing many of the necessary reforms of Isaac I Komnenos, he bloated the military bureaucracy with highly paid court officials and crowded the Senate with his supporters.
Dengan membatalkan banyak reformasi yang diperlukan dari Isaakius I, ia membengkakkan birokrasi militer dengan para pejabat pengadilan yang dibayar tinggi dan memadati Senat dengan para pendukungnya.