Masuk Daftar

memberi-tahu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memberi-tahu"
  • memberi tahu:    informed; informing; fill in; inform; notify; put (someone) wise; warn; in the know; report; advertise; account; describe; cover; announce; in the loop; plugged in; give notice of
  • keliru memberi tahu:    misdirect
  • memberi tahu secara resmi:    officially inform
  • tahu:    bean curd; know; tofu; in the know; know how to; get it on; know how; feeling; roll in the hay; do it; cognize; mindful; register; whimsy; recognise; make love; bonk; charm; tell; curd; have it off;
  • tahu-tahu:    all of a sudden; short; suddenly; all at once; dead; abruptly; on the spur of the moment; in a stound; of a sudden
  • memberi:    afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict; accord; allow; do; grant; lend; ply; render; commit; portion; donate; hold; contribute; put up; volunteer; permit; shell out; farm; let; ease up; provide;
  • beri tahu:    enlighten; acquaint; proclaim; testify; report; declare; advertise; advise; give notice of; make known; announce; tell; explain; apprise; notify; inform
  • ingin tahu:    became personal; become personal; becoming personal; curious; inquiring; inquisitive; nosey; nosy; wonder; enquiring
  • kamu-tahu:    you know
  • kembang tahu:    tofu skin
  • maha tahu:    all-knowing; omniscient; omniomni
  • mapo tahu:    mapo tofu
  • mengambil tahu:    care
  • mereka-tahu:    they know
  • saya … tahu:    not know
  • This is confusing, we would rather have the compiler tell us if we forgot something. Full auto is therefore not recommended.
    Hal semacam ini sangat membingungkan. Kita lebih memilih agar kompilator memberi-tahu kita bila kita lupa sesuatu. Maka dari itu, penderivasian otomatis tidak direkomendasikan.