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membesarkan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "membesarkan"
  • membesarkan anak:    crawl; creep
  • membesarkan hati:    hearten; heartened; heartening; take courage; taken courage; taking courage; took courage; pick up; intoxicate; lift up; embolden; cheer; recreate; encourage; uplift; elate
  • membesarkan hal-hal kecil:    made a mountain of molehill; make a mountain of molehill; making a mountain of molehill
  • membesar-besarkan:    gave a false colour to; give a false colour to; given a false colour to; giving a false colour to; piled it on; stick it on; sticking it on; stuck it on; exaggerate; make a mountain out of a molehil
  • membesar dgn keterlaluan:    overgrown
  • membesar:    dilate; grew; grow; grown; outgrew; outgrow; outgrowing; outgrown; distended; wax; distribute; tumesce; puff; tumefy; flourish; boom; exposit; expound; enlarge; well; expand; distend; evolve; spread
  • memberus:    scrub; brush; dress; groom; curry
  • memberungut:    rumble; grouch; gnarl; growl; croak; grumble; scold; mutter; murmur
  • membeset:    pare; scramble; struggle; clamber; bark; skin; scuff; shinny; drag; sputter; shin; peel; scrape
  • I ain't raising no doctors and lawyers here.
    Saya tidak membesarkan dokter dan pengacara di sini.
  • You sure know how to raise them... -
    kau pasti tahu bagaimana membesarkan mereka... bukan begitu?
  • Oh, how did I ever raise such a mess?
    Bagaimana bisa aku membesarkan anak jorok ini?
  • Yes, then I began another adventure, raising Junior.
    Ya, lalu aku memulai petualangan lain, membesarkan Junior.
  • I raised him, right out of an egg.
    Aku yang membesarkan dia, langsung dari sebuah telur.
  • I pity havin' to raise a sexual devia.
    Sungguh kasihan kamu harus membesarkan si bandel ini.
  • I have brought up Taani with a Iot of love.
    Aku membesarkan Taani dengan banyak cinta.
  • It's an impossible job, isn't it, raising two teens?
    pekerjaan yg mustahil bukan? membesarkan 2 remaja?
  • You're raising a real hustler here, Grace.
    Kau membesarkan orang yang pintar dan rajin disini, Grace.
  • increasing your family's holdings in optical fiber.
    ...dengan membesarkan kepemilikan keluarga anda dalam serat optik.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5