Masuk Daftar

memekis bahasa Inggris

  • memeking:    yaup; ululate; whine; roar; wail; howl; yawl
  • memekikkan:    scream; exclaim; shrill; cry; holler; screech; outcry; cry out; call; skreigh; squawk; skreak; bawl; vociferation; yell; shout out; bark; pipe; hollo; screak; call out; pipe up; shout; bellow; yawp;
  • memekuk:    whoop; cut up; hack; cut; hack on; nick; chip; snick; chop
  • memekik kegirangan:    crow
  • memel:    memel; klaipeda
  • memekik gembira:    whoop
  • memelesetkan:    derailing
  • memekik:    scream; shout; shriek; squeal; squealed; squealing; yell; screech; clapperclaw; bawl; cheep; call; cry out; chirp; skreigh; squeak; skreak; squawk; abuse; holler; outcry; blackguard; exclaim; creak;
  • memelihara:    act toward; acted toward; bred; breed; conserve; conserved; conserving; cultivate; foster; had the care of; have the care of; having the care of; keep; keeping; look out for; look-after; looked afte