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mempermudah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mempermudah"
  • mempermuda:    rejuvenate
  • mempermanis:    sweeten; sweetened; sweetening; edulcorate; dulcify; dulcorate
  • mempermuliakan:    ennoble; ennobled; ennobling
  • mempermandikan:    christen; baptise; baptize
  • memperniagakan:    market; commercialise; commercialize
  • mempermalukan:    abash; embarrass; embarrassed; embarrassing; give a black-eye; given a black-eye; giving a black-eye; mortified; mortify; mortifying; pilloried; pillory; pillorying; degrade; discomfit; discredit; d
  • memperoleh:    achieve; acquire; acquired; acquiring; attain; came by; coming by; derive; derived; deriving from; enlist; gain; gained; gaining; get; getting the; got; lose out; losing out; lost out; obdain; obtai
  • mempermaluka:    gave a black-eye
  • memperoleh (ganjaran:    earn
  • Let me work to make your path a little easier.
    Biarkan aku membantu untuk mempermudah jalanmu.
  • We thought this might make things easier for you.
    Kami pikir mungkin ini bisa mempermudah bagimu.
  • There's nothing wrong with making things less hard on yourself.
    Tak ada salahnya untuk mempermudah dirimu.
  • Which would be the usual way, he would break out.
    Yang mempermudah mereka untuk "Meloloskan Diri".
  • My being in Istanbul would make running Javadi easier.
    Keberadaanku di Istambul akan lebih mempermudah Javadi.
  • It's gonna be easier if you don't lie.
    Akan lebih mempermudah jika kau tak berbohong.
  • Let's not make this difficult. You know what I am.
    Mari mempermudah. kamu tahu aku.
  • A little focused manipulation goes a long way.
    Sedikit manipulasi yang terpusat dapat mempermudah jalan.
  • You know, I think we ought to ease into it,
    kau tahu, kupikir kita harus mempermudah dulu,
  • When you make it so easy for me, ari.
    Karena kau telah mempermudah tugasku, Ari.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5