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memuji bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memuji"
  • She praises your singing, walking and laughing.
    Dia memuji nyanyian Anda , berjalan dan tertawa .
  • Well, you certainly know how to compliment a woman.
    kau pasti tahu cara memuji seorang wanita.
  • Gotta commend you on that boom box trick.
    Gotta memuji Anda di bahwa trik boom box.
  • Only two things created by man are worth praising.
    Hanya dua makhluk oleh manusia layak memuji.
  • I gave your wife a compliment for the exclusive earrings.
    Saya memuji anting2 istrimu yang ekslusif
  • All right, all right. Let's give it up for the Kid?
    Tentu, kami memuji anak itu.
  • The poets sing your battle praises in the halls.
    Para penyair bersyair memuji pertempuranmu di istana.
  • "Even the moon praises me..." "Every part of my body.."
    Bahkan bulanpun memuji setiap lekukan tubuhku.
  • I complimented the curvature of the tavern owner's wife.
    Aku memuji lekuk tubuh istri pemilik kedai.
  • Every taste bud is dancing and singing his praise.
    Setiap rasa bagaikan menari dan memuji ayahmu.
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