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memulakan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memulakan"
  • memulakan (kerja):    inaugurate
  • bagaimana memulakan laman baru:    cs2012|books|collaborative e-book creation using wikipedia|starting an article; michawiki~enwiki|kak stronu spisać
  • memulai usaha:    launch forth; launch out; launched forth; launched out; launching forth; launching out
  • memulai tugas:    start out; started out; starting out; start; tackle; begin; commence
  • memulai terbit:    coin a word or phrase; coined a word or phrase; coining a word or phrase
  • memulangkan:    repatriate; repatriated; repatriating; revert; reelect; recall; bring round; hark back; deliver; generate; retort; come back; give; rejoin; yield; repay; bring back; pass; regress; devolve; return;
  • memulai suatu pertandingan:    take the field; taken the field; taking the field; took the field
  • memulas:    wring; wrung; squeeze; wrick; squash; tweak; twist; rick; distort; flex; crush; deform; turn; pervert; sophisticate; contort; pick off; mash; clench; twist around; wrench; pluck; screw; squelch; con
  • memulai suatu perjalanan:    take the road
  • memulaukan:    isolate; keep apart; boycott; set apart; sequester; sequestrate
  • Well, the way you start any railroad.
    Nah , cara anda memulakan apa-apa kereta api.
  • In same year, Oda began his own solo career.
    Pada tahun yang sama, Oda memulakan karier solonya.
  • So, which phone do we start with?
    Jadi dengan telefon mana kita memulakan ?
  • You started this damn war, now you have to deal with it!
    Kamu memulakan perang ini, sekarang kamu perlu menghadapinya!
  • Well, to be fair, there weren't that many left to begin with.
    Untuk adilnya, tak banyak yang tersisa untuk memulakan.
  • Start over a new world.
    Memulakan semula sebuah dunia baru.
  • Starting him early, huh?
    Buat dia memulakan dari awal, huh?
  • They will start another war.
    Mereka akan memulakan perang lainnya.
  • We could begin anew.
    Kita boleh memulakan kehidupan baru.
  • This is where we start.
    Di sinilah kita memulakan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5