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memusingkan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memusingkan"
  • sangat memusingkan kepala:    mind blowing
  • memusing:    turn; birl; turn out; go around; revolve; whirl; gyrate; rotate; spin around; twirl; circumvolve; spread out; reel; spin; splay; spin out
  • memusatkan pikiran pada -:    turn mind to; turned mind to
  • memusnahkan:    eat; eaten; finish-off; gut; gutted; gutting; kill off; killed off; killing off; rase; rased; rasing; rime to death; rimed to death; riming to death; ruin; raze; wipe out; dismiss; demolish; smash u
  • memusatkan pikiran pada:    bend the mind to; bended the mind to; bending the mind to; bent the mind to; bury in; turning mind to
  • memusnahkan dgn api:    destroy by fire; burn; burn out
  • memusatkan perhatian:    give all mind to; concentrate; focus; wrapped up in
  • memusuhi seseorang:    get across someone; geting across someone; got across someone
  • memusatkan pada:    bring to bear; bringing to bear; brought to bear; centred at
  • memusut:    prickle; sting; prick; twinge
  • So I am not gonna sweat the small stuff.
    Jadi saya tidak akan memusingkan hal-hal kecil
  • It won't look clearer if he keeps playing it over-and-over again.
    lni memang memusingkan. Selalu begitu.
  • It don't really much matter what I choose.
    Aku tak terlalu memusingkan apa yang kupilih.
  • Why would a suicide bomber bother with dummy wire?
    Kenapa seorang pembom bunuh diri memusingkan kabel palsu?
  • I know this has been sort of confusing, Kira.
    Aku tau semua ini memusingkan, Kira.
  • I'm sure it can get overwhelming being a single father.
    Aku yakin menjadi ayah tunggal sangat memusingkan.
  • Finding a house on rent is such a pain!
    Mencari rumah sewaan itu hal memusingkan!
  • Not even Tea Cup ride at Disneyland type queasy?
    Tidak bahkan cangkir teh berputar Disneyland yang memusingkan?
  • The first day of school was a blur.
    Hari pertama di sekolah sangat memusingkan.
  • For feeling that awful, light-headed relief... that he would live.
    Perasaan mengerikan, Bayangan memusingkan..., ...bahwa ia akan hidup.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5