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mencair bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mencair"
  • massa mencair:    molten mass
  • yang mencair:    slushy; slobby
  • mencair kerana dipanaskan:    melt
  • mencaing-caing:    displume; snap; pluck; charge; tear; buck; bust; rupture; rend; shoot; shoot down; pull; deplume; rip; deplumate; rive
  • mencahayai:    crystalise; fall; alight; elucidate; brighten; shed light on; dismount; unhorse; light up; illumine; crystallize; enlighten; get down; get off; illume; straighten out; illuminate; fire up; clear; ig
  • mencahar:    purge
  • mencairkan:    liqua; liquefied; liquefy; liquefying; liquidze; liqulfied; melt down; melted down; melting down; render down; thaw; cash in; condense; dilute; liquidize; liquidize, (also liquidise british); smelt;
  • mencagun:    look; appear; seem
  • mencairkan uang:    cash down; cashed down; cashing down
  • mencagarkan:    pledge
  • mencakapi:    come up to; address; accost; hook; solicit
  • The ice is melting and they're eating my shoe!
    Es mencair dan mereka sedang makan sepatuku!
  • You're probably wondering why your ice cream went away.
    Kau mungkin penasaran bagaimana es krimmu mencair.
  • That's pork and listen, it's completely thawed out.
    Itu daging babi dan mendengarkan, itu benar-benar mencair.
  • That was the sound of a glass ceiling being shattered.
    Itu adalah suara suasana yang mencair.
  • Since I knew they were about to thaw you.
    karena aku tahu mereka akan mencair Anda.
  • I know the Spanish department is looking for a new building.
    Juruan Spanyol mencair gedung baru.
  • I cannot even wait for the ice to melt.
    Aku tak sabar untuk menunggu es mencair.
  • As the ice melted, the bacteria could have been unfrozen.
    Selagi es mencair, bakteri ikut mencair.
  • As the ice melted, the bacteria could have been unfrozen.
    Selagi es mencair, bakteri ikut mencair.
  • That plus melting... suggests it was a meteor.
    Karena ini juga mencair... kurasa itu sebuah meteor.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5