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mencambuk bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mencambuk"
  • mencalonkan untuk:    run for
  • mencalonkan diri untuk:    ran for
  • mencambuki:    scald; lather; strap; rack up; welt; pip; slash; worst; lam; flail; thrash; thresh; scourge; lash; whip; blister; flog; trounce; mop up; horsewhip
  • mencalonkan diri:    run for
  • mencamkan:    hammered into; hammering into; heedful of; heedfuled of; heedfuling of; notice; watch over; discover; assure; respect; detect; observe; guarantee; note; maintain; keep; secure; ensure; honor; abide
  • mencalonkan:    candidated; candidating; nominate; nominated; nominating; propose; nominatival; put up; constitute; put forward; name; appoint
  • mencampak:    drop; thrust; chuck; throw away; project; dispose; shake off; fling; junk; cast out; cast off; cast; give; switch; toss away; put away; throw; trash; toss out; discard; throw off; shed; flip; scrap;
  • mencalarkan:    scrape; itch; rub; excise; inscribe; scrub; scratch; call off; engrave; cancel; strike; come up; grave; fray; fret; scrape up; chafe; expunge; grate; scratch up
  • mencampakkan:    toss; confuse; convulse; throw out; pitch; hurtle; thrash about; ditch; bewilder; smash; toss out; discard; switch; toss away; trash; throw; hurl; shake off; fuddle; cast out; hold; confound; throw
  • I'm still young enough to whip your butt.
    Aku masih cukup muda untuk mencambuk pantatmu, Stallion.
  • He doesn't flog the dolphin before a big date.
    Dia tidak mencambuk lumba-lumba sebelum tanggal besar.
  • They stole our Hutu land, they whipped us.
    Mereka mencuri pulau Hutu kami, mereka mencambuk kami.
  • To whipping my squad of champions into shape.
    Untuk mencambuk skuad saya juara ke dalam bentuk.
  • There's no joy in flogging a dead man.
    Tak ada gunanya mencambuk orang yang sudah mati.
  • I consider flogging a very serious matter indeed.
    Aku rasa mencambuk itu bukanlah hal sepele.
  • He was all hostile and wanted to whip somebody.
    Dia merasa sangat marah dan ingin mencambuk seseorang.
  • A woman who beats people for a living?
    Wanita yang mencambuk orang untuk biaya hidupnya?
  • We will whip this town... like a rented mule!
    kita akan mencambuk kota ini. seperti keledai pinjaman.
  • Hence all the whips, chains and freaky sex toys.
    Aku akan mencambuk, merantai dan bermain viagra padamu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5