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mencap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mencap"
  • mencap pengiriman:    franking
  • mencap pengiriman bebas:    franked
  • mencantumkan tanggal:    date
  • mencantumkan:    contain; enter; confiscate; stick by; refer; stay; beat; flummox; seize; vex; adhere; merge; stay put; sting; introduce; insert; bind; tuck; comprise; trap; inclose; mystify; sneak in; impound; pose
  • mencantum:    graft; engraft; pin; close down; draw together; join; immobilise; come together; ingraft; conclude; shut down; fold; fill up; bond; trap; close up; immobilize; close; bring together; shut
  • mencantikkan:    embellish; strengthen; deck; ornament; decorate; bedight; bedeck; idealise; fancify; dress; idealize; prettify; tone; adorn; beautify; grace; tone up
  • mencapai:    achieve; achieved; attain; attain unto; attained; attaining; coming at; gain; getting the goods on; getting to; getting up to sth; go up to; going up to; gone up to; got the goods on; got up to; got
  • mencantelkan:    append; tack on; hang on; tag on; tack
  • mencapai anggota yang cukup:    made a house; make a house; making a house
  • It's more comfortable for you to label me insane.
    Lebih nyaman bagimu untuk mencap aku gila.
  • Others dismissed this as a conspiracy theory.
    Para kritikus mencap konsep ini sebagai teori konspirasi.
  • Some teachers completely wrote me off as a lost cause.
    Beberapa guru bahkan mencap saya tidak ada harapan.
  • I've branded myself as a lowlife thief.
    Aku sudah mencap diriku sebagai pencuri rendah.
  • Mason would've preferred to brand your face.
    Mason lebih suka mencap di bagian mukamu.
  • By any chance, did they stamp your hand?
    Omong-omong, mereka juga mencap tangan kalian?
  • They also branded Lilian as a social-climber.
    Mereka juga mencap Lilian sebagai pemanjat sosial.
  • Then raging and stamping like a
    Lalu mengamuk dan mencap seperti. ..
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5