mencatat bahasa Inggris
- chalk up
- chalked up
- chalking up
- commit to paper
- commited to paper
- commiting to paper
- jot
- jot down
- jotted
- made a minute of
- made a note of
- make a minute of
- make note
- making a minute of
- making a note of
- marked down
- marking down
- mcorded
- note
- note down
- noted
- noted down
- notes
- noticed
- noting
- noting down
- record
- score up
- scored up
- scoring up
- take note
- taken note
- took note
- transcribe
- write down
- writing down
- log
- mark
- register
- take down
- write
- follow
- attain
- realize
- win
- watch
- pull ahead
- earn
- chronicle
- put down
- observe
- put on
- keep
- copy
- set down
- bring in
- realise
- gather
- hit
- make headway
- clear
- gain
- watch over
- cross-file
- reach
- profit
- pull in
- arrive at
- file
- derive
- get down
- acquire
- write off
- keep an eye on
- advance
- show
- make
- gain ground
- deliver the goods
- expense
- succeed
- enter
- benefit
- set
- get ahead
- come through
- bring home the bacon
- take in
- read
- mencatat dalam: book in; booked in; booking in
- mencatat juga: also notice
- mencatat waktu: chart the time; clock; clock in/out/on/off
- mencatat . pada daftar: put down for
- mencatat dalam buku harian: journalize; journalized; journalizing
- mencatat dalam daftar tunggu: wait-list
- mencatat dengan buru-buru: joted down; joting down
- mencatat gol yang dibuat: keeping the score; kept the score
- mencatat jarak tempuh sebanyak: clock up
- mencatat sebagai kerugian: charge off; charging off
- mencatat transaksi keuangan: keeping accounts; kept accounts
- mencatat usulan di rapat: put the question; putting the question
- pengukur-tarikan yang mencatat: recording drought-gauge
- penting untuk mencatat: important to note
- mencat: painted; paint
- mencaruk: guzzle
- Lntelligence was keeping track of them until recently.
lntelligence adalah mencatat dari mereka sampai saat ini. - If you were man enough to file a claim,
Jika kau memang berani untuk mencatat klaim, - We record and observe, but never interfere.
Kami mencatat dan amati, tetapi tidak pernah ikut campur. - You never keep an account of who's eating what?
Kau tak pernah mencatat apa yang dimakan? - Maybe next time you'll take some notes. We racing?
Mungkin lain kali kau akan mencatat sesuatu. - You wanted the licence number off of that car.
Kau mau mencatat nomor plat mobil itu. - I want all of you to mark this occasion.
Aku ingin kalian semua mencatat peristiwa ini. - The Vatican checked it and the case was accepted.
Vatikan mencatat bahwa dan kasus itu diterima. - It recorded a signal that got everyone excited
Mencatat sinyal yang membuat gembira semua orang - - Miyoshi recorded the dice rolls for 6 months.
Miyoshi mencatat rekor dadu itu selama 6 bulan.