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menceraikan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menceraikan"
  • mencerai-beraikan:    circularise; broadcast; spread out; crack; spread; pass around; dissipate; break up; distribute; circularize; dot; disperse; dispel; diffuse; crock up; dust; sprinkle; scatter; crack up; disseminate
  • mencerai beraikan:    disjoin; disjoined; disjoining; pull apart; pulled apart; pulling apart
  • menceramahkan:    talk; lecture
  • mencerai:    tell; ramify; sort out; start out; part; sort; severalize; disassociate; take off; differentiate; discriminate; classify; secern; dissociate; carve up; disunite; set off; disjoint; fork; break; bran
  • mencerap:    follow; recognise; tell apart; perceive; distinguish; discern; look on; watch; keep an eye on; take note; catch; observe; note; see; spot; maintain; view; keep; pick out; make out; watch over; take
  • mencerahkan:    illumine; lighten up; light up; light; crystallize; enlighten; straighten out; crystalise; illume; clear; illuminate; shed light on; brighten; elucidate; crystallise; crystalize; lighten; sort out;
  • mencerca:    abuse; bluster; blustered; blustering; chid; chide; chiding; rail at; railed at; railing at; snub; snubbed; snubbing; rag; affront; call down; turn down; trounce; call on the carpet; pooh-pooh; cont
  • mencepuk:    slop; splash; squelch; sprinkle; splosh; squish; slosh
  • mencercai:    bawl out; rebuke; remonstrate; have words; censure; criminate; reprimand; freeze off; reproof; chide; scold; scorn; lambaste; spurn; jaw; take to task; despise; disdain; lecture; contemn; reject; po
  • People divorce their wives to be less busy
    Orang yang menceraikan istrinya seharusnya sudah berkurang kesibukkannya.
  • I think she's the reason that Michael left Lydia.
    Kupikir dia alasan kenapa Michael menceraikan Lydia.
  • Besides the fact that he was divorcing Palin's sister?
    selain fakta dia menceraikan adik Sarah Palin?
  • I'm going to pay alimony, and just divorce her.
    Aku akan membayar tunjangannya, dan menceraikan dia.
  • You aren't getting a divorce from Dad, are you?
    Mama tidak benar kan? Menceraikan ayah..? iya..?
  • He divorced Baghdad and married her in 1333.
    Dia menceraikan Baghdad dan menikahinya pada tahun 1333.
  • Or that I wanted to make my cane light up.
    Ia berharap agar Galang menceraikan Sinar.
  • The day after the wedding, I'm going to divorce Priya
    Sehari setelah pernikahan, Aku akan menceraikan Priya
  • He stopped filming after he divorced your mother.
    Dia berhenti memfilmkan setelah dia menceraikan ibumu.
  • How can a man... want to divorce a pretty wife like you?
    Seorang pria... "Menceraikan Istri Secantik-mu"?
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