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mengamuk bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mengamuk"
  • sedang mengamuk:    on the rampage
  • mengamputasi:    cut off; amputate
  • mengamput:    have intercourse; lie with; make love; eff; bonk; have a go at it; get it on; do it; roll in the hay; bang; know; jazz; fuck; sleep with; make out; screw; have it away; be intimate; hump; have sex;
  • menganakemaskan:    privilege; favour; favor
  • mengampunkan:    remit; spare; pardon; amnesty; excuse
  • menganalisa:    analyse; analysing; analysis; analyze; analyzed
  • mengampuni:    absolved; absolving; had mercy (up) on; had mercy up; having mercy (up) on; palliate; palliated; palliating; reprieve; spare; absolve; pardon; excuse; free; justify; forgive; condone
  • menganalisa jiwa:    psychoanalyze; psychoanalyzed; psychoanalyzing
  • mengampul:    spread out; well; expand; swell; blow up; amplify; flesh out; well up; tumesce; exposit; boom; expound; enlarge; tumefy; flourish; swell up; dilate; intumesce; thrive; inflate; extend; elaborate; pu
  • menganalisis:    analyse; analyse, analyze; canvass; take; examine; break down; psychoanalyse; learn; scan; study; psychoanalyze; dissect; canvas; read; analyze; take apart
  • The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape.
    Bayangan yang menutupi timur semakin mengamuk.
  • "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. "
    "Neraka tidak mengamuk seperti saat wanita dicemooh."
  • The day after that a jealous guy went raving mad.
    esoknya seorang pria yang cemburu mengamuk.
  • Like a mad rabid dog he begins to go berserk.
    Seperti anjing gila dia mulai mengamuk.
  • He'll go on a rampage and has to be destroyed
    Dia akan mengamuk dan harus dihancurkan
  • There's a crazy man running amok with a sword!
    Ada orang gila mengamuk dengan pedang !
  • Why, how now, Tybalt, why storm you so?
    Ada apa lagi, Tybalt, kenapa kau tiba-tiba mengamuk?
  • 'And my chest, where the fire was still raging.'
    Dan dadaku, di mana api masih mengamuk.
  • There's a fearsome beast ravaging a faraway kingdom.
    Ada makhluk mengerikan mengamuk di kerajaan yang jauh.
  • Why shoot the shit when you can shoot at shit?
    Kenapa mengamuk jika kau bisa menembak?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5