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mengeram bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mengeram"
  • mengerahkan tenaga mengatasi:    muster up; mustered up; mustering up; collect
  • mengerahkan tenaga:    applied; apply oneself/one’s mind; be at full stretch; get up steam
  • mengeramas:    shampoo
  • mengerahkan:    enroll; mobilize; mobilized; mobilizing; expeditionary; muster; pluck up (the) courage/energy etc; gathering together; razz; impose; circulate; call up; bait; inscribe; rally; calling together; come
  • mengerami:    brood on; brooded; brooded on; brooding on; incubate; incubated; incubating; brood; hatch; brooding; cover; incubation
  • mengepung:    beleaguer; beleaguered; beleaguering; beset; beseted; beseting; besiege; besieged; besieging; blockade; closed upon; closing upon; double upon; doubled upon; doubling upon; hem in; hemed in; heming
  • mengerami/berkembang:    incubate
  • mengepul:    cloud; steam
  • mengeramkan:    hatch
  • When you chuff at them, they chuff back, see?
    Saat kau mengeram ke mereka, Mereka mengeram kembali.
  • When you chuff at them, they chuff back, see?
    Saat kau mengeram ke mereka, Mereka mengeram kembali.
  • It's growling because you woke him up.
    Dia mengeram karena kau membangunkannya.
  • That stared at him, with his big, ugly empty eyes.
    Ia mengeram kepadanya, dengan badan besarnya, mata kosong yang jelek.
  • Tigers don't growl or roar, they chuff.
    Harimau tidak mengaum, mereka mengeram.
  • Four... hens... brood... here... henceforth.
    Empat ayam betina mengeram disini seterusnya.
  • A wild animal that snarled and growled.
    "Hewan Liar... Mengeram Ganas".
  • It growled all the time.
    Dia mengeram sepanjang waktu.
  • A couple shout-outs to make.
    Beberapa mengeram kepada ku
  • Emperor Penguin fathers incubate a single egg until it hatches.
    Bapa Kaisar Penguin mengeram satu telur sehingga ia menetas.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2