menggagap bahasa Inggris
- bicara menggagap: stutter; stuttered; stuttering
- menggagalkan rencana: clipped the wings of; clipping the wings of
- menggagalkan penetapan undang: filibuster; filibustered; filibustering
- menggagas: have an idea; think; believe; consider; conceive
- menggagalkan: baffle; baffled; baffling; balk; balked; balking; dash cold water on; dashed cold water on; dashing cold water on; flunk; flunked; flunking; foil; foiled; foiling; infringe; infringed; infringing; n
- menggagau: grope; fumble
- menggagahi: dishonour; pressure; overmaster; overcome; squeeze; ravish; rape; force; whelm; overwhelm; outrage; impel; overtake; hale; dishonor; assault; coerce; sweep over; overpower; violate
- menggahar: sweep; brush
- menggaet: rake in; raked in; raking in; sneak; glom; knock off; kidnap; gazump; filch; snatch; addict; crochet; cabbage; snarf; nobble; snap; hook; purloin; fleece; overcharge; soak; solicit; plume; abduct; p
- menggaib: vanish; disappear; go away
- "Like the bumble bee's affair, I roam without a care"
"Seperti urusan menggagap lebah, Saya berkeliaran tanpa peduli " - "like the bumble bee's affair..."
"Seperti urusan menggagap lebah ..." - "Like the bumble bee's affair..."
"Seperti urusan menggagap lebah ..."