menggayun bahasa Inggris
- menggayuk: compass; capture; prehend; grok; hold on; sequester; conquer; dig; cling to; impound; get the picture; appropriate; hold tight; hold close; arrogate; take over; attach; grasp; assume; apprehend; gra
- menggayakan: pose; sit; model; posture
- menggayuti: sway; weight; flow; drop; attend; burthen; swing over; give ear; cling; burden; hang up; get around; fall; swing out; pay heed; sweep; hang; swing; dangle; string up; advert; weight down
- menggauli: throw people together
- menggayutkan: hang
- menggaul: combine; excite; coalesce; agitate; mingle; blend; raise up; shake up; disturb; fuse; unify; meld; flux; stir; mix; amalgamate; conflate; mix in; stimulate; commove; stir up; shake; merge; commingle
- menggebah: shoo
- menggatalkan: irritate; itch; nettle; devil; get at; rile; gravel; get to; nark; rag; vex; chafe; bother; annoy
- menggebos: grouch; remonstrate; bawl out; rebuke; have words; reproof; chide; jaw; take to task; scold; lambaste; reprimand; dress down; berate; grumble; lecture; lambast; trounce; call down; call on the carpe