menghasut bahasa Inggris
- agitate
- demagogic
- egged on
- egging on
- incite
- incited
- inciting
- instigate
- instigated
- instigating
- pour oil on the fire
- pour oil the flames
- poured oil on the fire
- poured oil the flames
- pouring oil on the fire
- pouring oil the flames
- abet
- ferment
- elicit
- inflame
- set off
- propel
- beset
- molest
- actuate
- kindle
- chevy
- turn on
- provocative
- move
- provoke
- campaign
- heat
- shake up
- disturb
- rouse
- harass
- shift
- stir
- budge
- chivvy
- harry
- crusade
- evoke
- push
- raise
- fire up
- fight
- stimulate
- hassle
- charge
- shake
- aggravated
- press
- stir up
- ignite
- vex
- fire
- chevvy
- plague
- prompt
- wake
- excite
- kick up
- exciting
- raise up
- call forth
- egg on
- arouse
- enkindle
- foment
- charge up
- prod
- provoked
- inspire
- chivy
- motivate
- commove
- bersifat menghasut: agitative; seditious
- dengan cara menghasut: agitatively
- menghasut hingga tak berminat: floged to death
- menghasut hingga tidak bermina: flogged to death
- menghasut hingga tidak berminat: flogging to death
- menghasut pemberontakan terhadap kekuasaan negara: inciting subversion of state power
- menghasud: envy
- menghasratkan: hanker; wishful; desire; want; hope; trust
- menghasilkan tiruan: reproduce
- menghasilkan susu: milch
- menghasilkan suara: sound-producing
- And they too had instigated me a lot.
Dan mereka juga telah menghasut saya banyak . - A leader instigated the tribals his name is Veeran.
Seorang pemimpin menghasut para penduduk namanya Veeran. - "hoping to incite war between Shu and Wu."
"Berharap untuk menghasut perang antara Shu dan Wu." - You said HYDRA had a way of convincing people.
Katamu HYDRA memiliki cara untuk menghasut orang. - Indra instigates everyone against Shani through his maya.
Indra menghasut semua orang melawan Shani melalui mayanya. - Remain calm. Do not let them incite you.
Tetap tenanglah, Jangan biarkan mereka menghasut Anda. - Chat Fai, why must you stir up troubles?
Chat Fai, mengapa harus kau menghasut masalah? - "The Jew slandered us and incited our enemies.
"Yahudi memfitnah kita dan menghasut musuh2 kita. - You, are inciting them to be violent murderers.
kamu, adalah mereka menghasut menjadi pembunuh kekerasan.