mengocakkan bahasa Inggris
- mengocak: charge; rouse; excite; commove; agitate; charge up; turn on
- mengobservasi: see; watch; notice; detect; find; observe; examine; discover
- mengoceh: pratling; prattle; prattled; prattling; rattle on and on; rattled on and on; rattling on and on; rave; raved; raving; twaddle; twaddled; twaddling; babbling; babble; chatter; drone; gabble; jabber;
- mengobrol: clear away; confab; confabed; confabing; gab; gabbed; gabbing; jawed; jawing; shoot the bull; shooting the bull; shot the bull; yack; yacked; yacking; chat; chit-chat; gossip; natter; chitchat; talk
- mengoceh terus: rabbit on; rabbited on; rabbiting on; yabber; babble; talk; chat
- mengobral: closed out; closing out; sell of; undercut; undercutting; sell off
- mengocok: churn; churn-up; churned; churning; get churned-up; beat; cream; shuffle; whip; whisk; mix in; conflate; amalgamate; mix; integrate; immix; commingle; commix; merge; desegregate; shake; ruffle; coal
- mengobrak-abrik: mussing; root among; rooted among; rooting among; root
- mengoja: encourage