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mengoleskan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mengoleskan"
  • mengoleskan mentega:    butter
  • mengolesi:    re cover
  • mengoles mentega:    buttered
  • mengoles:    lube; swab; besmirch; lubricate; swob; asperse; dab; denigrate; sully; smutch; smear; blur; defame; smudge; slander; calumniate; daub; smirch
  • mengolok-olok:    gave the raspberry; getting the raspberry; give the raspberry; given the raspberry; giving the raspberry; josh; joshed; joshing; made sport of; make sport of; making sport of; spiel; spieled; spieli
  • mengoleng:    yaw; sway; shake; rock
  • mengombak:    billowed; billows; billowsed; billowsing; billow out; wave; ruffle; riffle; ripple; roll; undulate; flap; cockle
  • mengoleksi:    collect; pick up; garner; take in; amass; gather up; compile; call for; roll up; pull in; accumulate; hoard; pull together; gather; pile up
  • mengombang-ambingkan:    toss; tossed
  • Because your buddy smeared ash on your forehead?
    Kerana kawan awak mengoleskan abu di dahi awak?
  • Wait. Don't you want me to coat everything?
    Tunggu, apa kamu tidak ingin aku mengoleskan semua
  • I'm just rubbing oil on this man's chest.
    Aku hanya mengoleskan minyak ke dada orang ini.
  • I have a problem, my wrists are actually very weak.
    Saya percaya Anda bisa mengoleskan obat sendiri.
  • You're rubbing me like you're putting on sunscreen.
    Kau menggosok seperti mengoleskan krim anti matahari.
  • Oh, Flynn, could you put some more sunscreen on Holly?
    Flynn, bisakah kau mengoleskan "sunscreen" pada Holly?
  • That's right. Cos my buddy smeared ash on my forehead.
    Betul. kerana kawanku mengoleskan abu di dahi ku.
  • Will you please rub this on my chest?
    Maukah kau mengoleskan ini di dadaku?
  • Would you mind applying this to my exposed areas?
    Maukah kau mengoleskan ini untuk bagian tubuhku yang nampak?
  • Who's going to butter Daddy's nose?
    Siapa yang mau mengoleskan mentega ke hidung ayah?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5