menjebluk bahasa Inggris
- menjebak: ambush; ambushed; ambushing; bottle up; bottled up; bottling up; entrap; entraped; laid traps; lay traps; laying traps; catch out; frame; trap; couch; frame in; snare; pin; frame up; set up; immobil
- menjayakan: accomplish; reach; proclaim; achieve; exalt; spiritualize; glorify; transfigure; extol; make; laud; attain
- menjebrolkan: bring about; beget; grow; bring forth; publish; produce; farm; give rise; father; get; print; develop; generate; sire; bring out; engender; acquire; mother; raise; bring on
- menjawab langsung: answer with plump; answered with plump; answering with plump
- menjegal: quashing; saboted; tackle; trip; contain; lay off; bar; blockade; quit; hold back; stop; discontinue; barricade; give up; check; finish; block up; end; arrest; halt; kibosh; turn back; break off; ce
- menjawab ketus: retorted; retorting
- menjegil: glower; goggle; gawk; gape; glare; gawp
- menjawab kasar: talk back
- menjejak: reconnoiter; scout; reconnoitre; tread; step