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menumpukan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menumpukan"
  • menumpukan perhatian:    concentrate
  • menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya:    devote
  • menumpuk:    congest; heap; heaped; heaping; heaps; amass; fold; pile; conglomerate; heap up; pile up; cumulate; gather; accumulate; hoard; compile; roll up; collect; stack up
  • menumpu:    focus; meet; centre; rivet; concentrate; center; pore; converge
  • menumpaskan pertahanan udara musuh:    suppression of enemy air defenses
  • menumpaskan:    squeeze; rout; topple; squash; beat out; whip; inhibit; tumble; crush; suppress; tip; vanquish; get rid of; conquer; pip; shell; spread-eagle; mash; stamp down; abolish; beat; mop up; trounce; squel
  • menumpukkan:    lay away; squirrel away; collect; hive up; stash; amass; cache; accumulate; hoard; compile; roll up; pile up
  • menumpas:    put to rout; putting to rout; extirpate; squelch; decimate; annihilate; kill off; demolish; mash; wipe out; do away with; ruin; uproot; exterminate; destruct; carry off; eradicate; destroy; crush; q
  • menumpukkan di atas:    superimpose; superimposing; overlay; superpose
  • All right, listen to it again, and concentrate.
    Baiklah, dengar lagi, dan menumpukan perhatian.
  • He just pins all his hopes on me.
    Dia hanya menumpukan semua harapannya padaku.
  • He can't put any weight on his right leg
    Dia tidak bisa menumpukan berat badan pada kaki kanannya.
  • He just put all his hope that here I
    Dia hanya menumpukan semua harapannya padaku. Dan itu telah mengubahku.
  • Let's concentrate on the big tips.
    Mari kita menumpukan pada troubleshooting besar.
  • Copyright by Shanghai Focus digital technology co., ltd.
    Sitemap - Menumpukan digital teknologi co., Ltd.
  •  Organic Goji Juice wolfberry juice concentrate goji puree
    Jus Goji Organik Juice wolfberry menumpukan goji puree
  • We focus on original products, from clothing to sundries and accessories.
    Kami menumpukan pada produk perancangan asal, dari pakaian ke serbet dan aksesoris.
  • It’s formulated using a unique combination of valine, tribulus terrestris, and whey protein concentrate.
    Ia dirumus menggunakan kombinasi unik valine, tribulus terrestris, dan menumpukan perhatian protein whey.
  • 9198 Drinks dried food (coffee, tea, coffee, chicory, dry brew) and waste of production
    9198 kering menumpukan Minuman (kopi, teh, kopi, chicory, bru kering) dan sisa pengeluaran mereka
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2