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menyamar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menyamar"
  • dgn menyamar:    incognito
  • menyamar diri:    disguise
  • menyamankan:    air macerated; macerate; ensconce; balmy; cool; grateful; "macerate; soft; mild
  • menyaman:    summon; ticket; fine; summons; litigate; book; action; sue; cite; process
  • menyamakan dengan:    compare to
  • menyamaratakan:    generalize; generalized; generalizing; generalize, (also generalise british); lump; level; rase; take down; countervail; even; raze; pull down; dismantle; set off; offset; level off; flush; tear dow
  • menyamakan:    equalize; equalized; equalizing; equate; equated; equating; synchronized; synchronizing; compare; equalize, (also equalise british); even; even up; identify; level; gibe; touch; even out; sync; sync
  • menyamarkan:    camouflage; veil; hold back; mislead; misdirect; lead astray; hold in; enshroud; cover; obscure; hide out; blot out; obliterate; conceal; disguise; shroud; hide; misguide
  • menyamak kulit:    curried; curry; currying
  • menyambalewa:    neglect; drop; omit; pretermit; miss; overlook; leave out; overleap
  • As cover, you two will pose as a married couple.
    Kamu akan menyamar, sebagai suami isteri.
  • It could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?
    Dia bisa menyamar menjadi satu bungkus rokok?
  • We need you to go undercover at the clinic.
    Kami membutuhkan Anda pergi menyamar di klinik.
  • Then why not stay in disguise all the time?
    Lalu kenapa tidak menyamar saja setiap saat?
  • Our undercover reporter actually was hired and trained,
    Reporter kami yang menyamar benar-benar dipekerjakan dan dilatih,
  • And squad leader Woo Jong-dae was there undercover.
    Dan ketua grup Woo Jong-dae yang sedang menyamar.
  • He was abducted by someone disguised as the slit-mouthed woman.
    Diadiculikolehseseorang menyamar sebagai wanita bermulut robek.
  • What could be the reason for kidnapping children in a disguise?
    Apayangbisamenjadialasan penculikan anak-anak dalam menyamar?
  • Herodotus disguised himself as a dead person like this.
    Herodotus menyamar sebagai orang mati seperti ini.
  • I advised on a case in Edinburgh.
    Aku menyamar dengan memakai jenggot, saat kasus Edinburgh itu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5