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menyanggah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menyanggah"
  • menyokong/menyanggah:    reinforce
  • menyanggah habis-habisan:    raise a stink; raised a stink; raising a stink
  • menyangga:    bear; carry; abide; indorse; plump for; prop up; stomach; abet; plunk for; back; patronage; back up; support; hold up; corroborate; affirm; defend; prop; stand; fend for; keep going; tolerate; patro
  • menyandungkan:    tripping
  • menyandung:    spark; travel; trigger off; activate; touch off; get off; actuate; turn on; spark off; set off; trip out; trip; trigger; jaunt; trip up; stumble
  • menyanggep:    parry; block; deflect
  • menyandiwarakan:    dramatize; adopt; dramatise
  • menyanggul:    coil; curl; loop
  • menyandingi:    company; accompany; go with; follow; keep company; come with; companion; attach to; play along
  • menyanggup:    promise
  • I won't deny you have a few good points.
    Aku tak menyanggah bahwa kau juga ada benarnya.
  • So I could invalidate your investigations into the paranormal.
    Agar aku menyanggah penyelidikan paranormalmu.
  • I have no intention of fighting that judgement.
    Ibu nggak berniat menyanggah pernyataan itu.
  • I'm not going to debate the police's conclusion.
    Ibu nggak akan menyanggah keputusan polisi.
  • By the way, Hofstadter, nice job disproving the Chinese team.
    By the way, Hofstadter, bagus menyanggah pekerjaan tim Cina.
  • I'm about to disprove that myth all over your leather interior.
    Aku akan menyanggah mitos tentang semua bagian kulitmu.
  • I reject that accusation, Sir John.
    Aku menyanggah tuduhan itu, Sir John.
  • You refuted your insanity defense.
    Kau menyanggah pembelaan bahwa dirimu gila.
  • You refuted my entire book.
    Kau menyanggah seluruh isi blogku.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5