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menyentil bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "menyentil"
  • menyental:    scour; abrade; scrub
  • menyentakkan:    flounce; flounced; flouncing; hitch; hitched; hitching; jog; jogged; tug; tugged; tugging; twitch; flick; snap; snarl; flip
  • menyentor:    flush
  • menyentak:    flinch; flinched; flinching; jerk; jolt; kick; stabbing; twitch; cramp; quail; draw; startle; sting; pull; yank; galvanize; shrink; galvanise; squinch; kick back; force; recoil; wince; funk; cringe
  • menyentosakan:    quieten; protect; calm down; tranquillize; lull; tranquillise; quiet; tranquilize; calm; still
  • menyenguk:    snuffle; whiff; snuff; smell; sniffle; sniff
  • menyentuh:    nudging; touch; touched; touching; against; brush; attain; connect; thwack; wound; strike hard; make bleed; palpate; meet; shave; partake; border; graze; knock; catch; butt; get in touch; hit; invol
  • menyengsarakan:    torture; torment; agony; painful; torturing
  • menyentuh kayu agar terelak dari bahaya (kepercayaan tahyul):    touch wood
  • You know, my brother used to flick my ear.
    Kau tahu, saudaraku biasanya menyentil telingaku.
  • But he just whacked
    Tapi dia baru saja menyentil
  • He has worked in the comedy Al Aire and the play Manos Quietas.
    Ia menyentil Jerry kedalam piano dan permainan piano berjalan dengan mulus sesaat.
  • Must be nice not having someone questioning your every move poking holes in all your theories.
    Pasti enak tidak ada orang yang menanyakan setiap tindakanmu, menyentil kekurangan dalam semua teorimu.
  • Switch between apps Just tap and hold the Back button on your phone to flick between recent apps.
    Beralih antara aplikasi Cukup tekan terus tombol Kembali di telepon Anda untuk menyentil antara aplikasi terakhir.