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merampok bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "merampok"
  • kesenangan merampok:    rapacity
  • memberi isyarat untuk merampok:    cried havoc; cry havoc; crying havoc
  • mendekati untuk merampok:    steal up on; stealing up on
  • merampingkan:    slim; slim down; melt off; close; lose weight; slenderize; thin; reduce
  • merampaskan:    levy
  • merampungkan:    discharge; cease; end up; fill out; complete; land up; finish; wind up; fetch up; fill in; terminate; eat up; end; make out; nail; polish off; dispatch; finish up; stop
  • merampasi:    preied on; prey on; preying on; preyingon; conquer; sequester; hook; hold up; snaffle; fleece; stand up; overcharge; prehend; capture; take over; arrogate; appropriate; gazump; impound; rob; assume;
  • meramu:    concoct; gather up; compile; tuck; get together; roll up; pucker; accumulate; foregather; hoard; forgather; gather; conglomerate; pile up; garner; take in; amass; call for; pull in; pull together; c
  • merampas kesempatan orang:    loaded the dice; loading the dice
  • merana:    pine; pine away; pined; pined away; pining; pinning away; waste away; languish; lovelorn; undersized; unbeloved; dwarfed; remnant; remainder; underdeveloped; incapacitated; bereft
  • merampas:    annex; bereave; bereaved; bereaving; bereft; confiscate; deprived of; depriving of; despoil; despoiled; despoiling; dispossed; disposses; dispossing; ease of; eased of; easing of; garnishee; garnish
  • merancang:    chalked out; chalking out; designed; designing; project; design; landscape; plan; style; machinate; scheme; draught; program; budget; outline; be after; peg down; engineer; contrive; blueprint; prop
  • He was going to rob and kill us!
    Dia penjahat. Dia ingin merampok dan membunuh kami!
  • We ripped off money from the guy who owns the Cadillac.
    Merampok uang pemilik mobil ini.
  • Why would anyone want to rob a morgue?
    Kenapa ada orang yang ingin merampok kamar mayat?
  • I was with the gang that robbed the bank.
    Aku adalah dengan geng yang merampok bank.
  • Hitting the Taxi Service wasn't his idea?
    Dan aku percaya merampok Layanan Taksi itu bukan idenya?
  • Tha you guys were wih me in he bank Ioo..
    Kalian bersamaku ketika merampok Bank. Hei
  • That's the man who tried to rob my truck.
    Itu laki-laki yang ingin mencoba merampok trukku.
  • And now you want me to rob a bank?
    Dan sekarang kau ingin aku merampok bank?
  • We'll do some robberies to get back my job.
    Kita akan merampok, agar bisnisku tetap berjalan.
  • Gentlemen, it's been a privilege robbing with you.
    Gentlemen, itu telah hak istimewa merampok dengan Anda.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5