Masuk Daftar

merarai bahasa Inggris

  • merapun:    suppress; vanquish; crush; nail; beat out; squash; squeeze; smash; bang up; dash; boom; break down; blast; beat; trounce; squelch; jam; mash; demolish; oppress; shell; smash up
  • merapuhkan:    weaken
  • merasa:    feel; feeling of; felt; perceive; perceived; perceiving; wonder; feel as if / as though; have; take; finger; undergo; palpate; try; sample; register; experience; find; scent; nose; savour; taste; fe
  • merapu:    blether; ramble on; rant; jog; babble; blither; ramble; rave; smatter; mouth off; spout; jabber; blather; rabbit on
  • merasa . doh:    make a monkey out of
  • meraporkan:    inform; report; cover; describe; account
  • merasa aman:    feel secure
  • merapikan tempat tidur:    made the bed
  • merasa amat ngeri:    terror stricken; terror strickened; terror strickening; terrored stricken; terroring stricken