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merayapi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "merayapi"
  • merayapi -:    worm way through
  • merayap:    crawl; crawled; crawling; shin; creep; snake; mouse; cringe; sneak; grovel; fawn; pussyfoot; cower
  • merayakan:    celebrate; celebrated; celebrating; commemorate; hold; fete; lionise; junket; keep; feast; banquet; observe; lionize
  • merayah:    rob
  • merayau:    ramble
  • merawikan:    recite; narrate; recount; tell
  • merayau-rayau:    linger; loaf; bumble; foul up; lounge; bollocks; louse up; lollygag; fluff; bollocks up; range; muck up; lurk; mishandle; blow; cast; tramp; bungle; muff; bollix; botch; cuckold; loiter; ramble; mil
  • merawat tangan dan kuku:    manicure; manicured; manicuring
  • merayu:    appeal; entreat; entreaty; flatter; flattered; flattering; implore; play up to; plead; woo; wooed; wooing; seduce; wooer; press; sponge; bid; coax; spiel; sweet-talk; simper; paw; beg; make; inveigl
  • Oh, I felt something crawling up my leg.
    Oh! Oh, ada yang merayapi kakiku.
  • I dozed off and... I felt the thing, you know, nibbling my finger.
    Aku tertidur dan... aku merasakan sesuatu, merayapi jariku.
  • Web Crawler Use proxy when crawling web pages
    Web Crawler Gunakan proxy ketika merayapi halaman web
  • If the bot can’t crawl the information, it can’t store it.
    Jika bot tidak dapat merayapi informasi, ia tidak dapat menyimpannya.
  • Connection timeout value used when crawling search engine's result pages.
    Nilai connection timeout yang digunakan ketika merayapi halaman pencarian search engine.
  • Search Engine Crawler Use proxy when crawling search engine result pages
    Search Engine Crawler Gunakan proxy ketika merayapi halaman pencarian Search Engine
  • If the site is badly coded, the bot can’t crawl the information.
    Jika situs ini dikodekan dengan buruk, bot tidak dapat merayapi informasi.
  • Hey, Patchi, have you ever had that weird dream where a bunch of crabs are crawling all over you?
    Hey, Patchi, pernahkah kau bermimpi aneh... dimana sekelompok kepiting merayapi tubuhmu?
  • Tell the software to crawl Yahoo Search Result pages when you're using search queries as seed items.
    Minta software untuk merayapi halaman hasil pencarian Yahoo saat Anda menggunakan keyword sebagai seed items.
  • Tell the software to crawl Google Search Result pages when you're using search queries as seed items.
    Minta software untuk merayapi halaman hasil pencarian Google saat Anda menggunakan keyword sebagai seed items.
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