Masuk Daftar

merayu-rayu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "merayu-rayu"
  • rayu:    entice; entreat; seduce; persuade; emotional; talk into; press; conjure; coax; bid; beseech; cajole; implore; influence; persuasion; tempt; beg; touched; nag; pray; adjure
  • merayu:    appeal; entreat; entreaty; flatter; flattered; flattering; implore; play up to; plead; woo; wooed; wooing; seduce; wooer; press; sponge; bid; coax; spiel; sweet-talk; simper; paw; beg; make; inveigl
  • bujuk rayu:    personal persuade
  • membujuk rayu -:    get on good side
  • hal membujuk (merayu):    persuasiveness
  • merayu dengan musik:    serenaded; serenading
  • pandai merayu wanita:    lady'sman
  • merbah:    bulbul
  • merayau-rayau:    linger; loaf; bumble; foul up; lounge; bollocks; louse up; lollygag; fluff; bollocks up; range; muck up; lurk; mishandle; blow; cast; tramp; bungle; muff; bollix; botch; cuckold; loiter; ramble; mil
  • merbah belukar:    olive-winged bulbul
  • merayau:    ramble
  • merbah bertelinga coklat:    brown-eared bulbul
  • merayapi -:    worm way through
  • merbah cerukcuk:    yellow-vented bulbul
  • Could it be the sharp spines will also turn into a delicate tendrils?
    Mungkinkah durinya yang tajam juga akan berubah menjadi sulur-sulur halus yang merayu-rayu dengan rangkulan mesra