mereka-reka bahasa Inggris
- cook up
- dream up
- fabricate
- gauge
- reckon
- derive
- deduct
- generalize
- approximate
- manufacture
- invent
- extrapolate
- guess
- concoct
- make up
- fake
- think of
- infer
- generalise
- judge
- deduce
- imagine
- opine
- suppose
- forge
- counterfeit
- pretend
- venture
- understand
- think
- think up
- hazard
- hatch
- estimate
- reka: design; forge; project; contrive; invent; devise; plan; formulate; throw; excogitate; cast
- reka baru: innovation
- reka bentuk: design; conception; designing; project; excogitation; blueprint; pattern; contrive; innovation; plan; invention
- reka cipta: invention
- reka ulang: act out
- reka-rekaan: piece; composition; musical composition; piece of music; opus
- adakah mereka: are they
- apa . mereka: what are their
- bagaimana mereka: how are they
- bagi mereka: on their behalf
- bukankah mereka: aren't they
- cara mereka: their own way
- demi mereka: for their sakes
- dengan mereka: with them
- Wrapped around his arm that looks macho, you can be had himself deh meaning of the tattoo sketch ..!
melingkar di lengannya yang keliatan macho,elo bisa mereka-reka sendiri deh arti dari guratan tato tersebut..!! - Nevertheless, Thucydides's account can be, and is used by historians to draw up a skeleton chronology for the period, on to which details from archaeological records and other writers can be superimposed.
Meskipun demikian, naskah Thukydides dapat, dan memang, digunakan oleh para sejarawan untuk mereka-reka kronologi pada periode ini, yang juga ditambah dari temuan arkeologi dan catatan dari penulis lain.