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merengkuh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "merengkuh"
  • merenggutkan:    snatch; tear up; wrench; cramp; jerk; sting
  • merenggut:    yank; yanked; yanking; twist; clutch; kidnap; seize; snatch; appropriate; tug; abduct; nobble; impound; confiscate; snap; wrench; twitch; sequester; conquer; jerk; snatch up; pull; capture; prehend;
  • merengus:    surly; glum; fussy; ill-tempered; bad-tempered; crabby; ugly; crabbed; grouchy; glowering; cross; dour; sour; sullen; grumpy; morose; moody; saturnine; dark
  • merenggangkan:    space out; stretch; disunite; disassociate; disjoint; dissociate; divorce
  • merengut:    lour; loured; louring; snatch; snatched; sullen; surly; sulk; rumble; grouch; croak; grumble; growl; chuff; gruff; gnarl; scold; murmur; crusty; bearish; mutter
  • merenggangi:    avert; forfend; forefend; debar; keep off; stave off; obviate; quash; ward off; deflect; void; invalidate; head off; annul; avoid; nullify; fend off
  • merengut akan:    grumble at; grumbled at; grumbling at
  • merengek-rengek:    grizzle; snivel; whine; yammer; yawp
  • merengut/meredup:    reduce
  • Reaching out for the sick, the unclean... without fear.
    Merengkuh yang sakit, yang kotor... Tanpa ketakutan.
  • He had embraced that mess, and it soared.
    Ia merengkuh kekacauan itu dan sukses besar.
  • Progress is made when we embrace our Espheni brothers.
    Ada kemajuan jika kita merengkuh saudara Espheni kita.
  • Watching a human reject the light and embrace depravity
    Melihat manusia menolak jalan terang dan merengkuh kebejatan
  • He managed the club from 1967 to 1970.
    Ia merengkuh jabatan ini dari tahun 1967 sampai 1970.
  • Made him decide to er, seize the moment.
    Membuat dia memutuskan untuk merengkuh keadaan.
  • Owen helped Liverpool to a Treble in 2000–01.
    2000–2004 Owen berhasil membantu Liverpool merengkuh treble pada musim 2000–01.
  • To embrace destiny, we must, inevitably, face those fears and conquer them.
    Untuk merengkuh tujuan, kita harus, mengacuhkan, wajah-wajah ketakutan dan menaklukkan mereka.
  • Fortunately, some couples know exactly how to embrace the true spirit of Vegas.
    Untungnya, ada pasangan yang amat tahu cara merengkuh semangat Vegas.
  • Ready to embrace your future!
    Bersiaplah merengkuh masa depanmu.
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