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meresahkan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "meresahkan"
  • yang meresahkan:    disturbingly
  • kedaruratan kesehatan masyarakat yang meresahkan dunia:    public health emergency of international concern
  • mererot:    flock
  • mereret:    mereret (12th dynasty)
  • meresap:    pervade; sank in; sink in; sinking in; soaked up; soaking up; sunk in; permeate; soak; penetrate; dissipate; dowse; ooze; perforate; ooze out; fathom; percolate; get across; shoot; overcharge; trans
  • mereproduksi:    copy; reproduce
  • meresap dalam:    sink down
  • merepotkan diri:    fuss
  • meresap ke dalam:    soak into; soaked into; soaking into
  • merepotkan:    fuss; fussed; fussed over; fussing; fussing over; inconvenient; leave in the lurch; made a fuss; upsetting; handful; inconvenience; make a fuss of; make much of; put out; trouble; troublesome
  • meresap ke dalam hati:    sank into the mind; sink into the mind; sinking into the mind; sunk into the mind
  • That's why you've become what you are, young man
    Itulah yang meresahkan hati-mu wahai anak muda.
  • Those two nights of romance had unsettled him forever.
    Kedua malam romantis telah meresahkan dia selamanya.
  • You must have some sad memories.
    Ya, ampun, hal ini pasti akan sangat meresahkan kamu, ya?
  • His manner since Melia Ridge has been... unsettling.
    Sikapnya stlah kejadian di Melia Ridge agak meresahkan.
  • Cut and eliminate the source of your inner torment.
    Patahkan semua masalah yang meresahkan hatimu.
  • I know these last few days have been very troubling.
    Aku tahu beberapa hari terakhir sangat meresahkan.
  • I really don't think that he meant it to be troubling.
    Akusungguhtakberpikir bahwa ia bermaksud untuk meresahkan.
  • After he meets Maria, unsettling things start to happen.
    Setelah bertemu Maria, hal-hal yang meresahkan mulai terjadi.
  • White Shark's boys are starting to get restless.
    Anak buah Hiu Putih mulai meresahkan.
  • Illegal downloading has upset big organizations in Hollywood
    download ilegal itu telah meresahkan banyak organisasi besar di Hollywood
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5