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midas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "midas"
  • Besides, he does come highly recommended by King Midas.
    Selain itu,dia datang karena disarankan Raja Midas.
  • Did he just spit his juice in Midas's face?
    Apa dia baru meludahi wajah Midas ?
  • No, you did not spit in Midas's face!
    Tidak, kau tak boleh meludahi wajah Midas !
  • Flowers for prince James from the kingdom of Midas.
    Bunga untuk pangeran James dari kerajaan Midas.
  • We were traveling with my father, king midas.
    Kami melakukan perjalanan dengan ayahku, Raja Midas.
  • There's a ball tonight at king midas' castle.
    Ada pesta dansa malam ini di kastil Raja Midas.
  • Midas dissented, and questioned the justice of the award.
    Midas menolak keputusan itu dan mempertanyakan keadilan juri.
  • At first Midas is happy about his newfound power.
    Midas sangat senang dengan kemampuan barunya.
  • They have a sort of negative Midas touch.
    Mereka memiliki semacam sentuhan Midas negatif.
  • Like Midas touch, our living how well hath altered
    Suka sentuhan Midas, hidup kita seberapa baik telah diubah
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