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mondar-mandir bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mondar-mandir"
  • I feel like I'm floating around in that place.
    Aku merasa hanya mondar-mandir di tempat itu.
  • You've been up in my shower, rummaging around?
    kamu ada di dalam kamar mandi saya, mondar-mandir?
  • You were stomping around like an elephant back there.
    Kamu mondar-mandir seperti gajah di luar sana.
  • But then, your Master here, goes back and forth.
    Tapi kemudian, Gurumu di sini, berjalan mondar-mandir.
  • I just paced off 12 feet across the room.
    Aku hanya mondar-mandir dari 12 kaki menyeberangi ruangan.
  • I'm just tired of sending their business across the street.
    Aku hanya lelah mengirim urusan mereka mondar-mandir.
  • I'm quite sure I can get your sentence commuted.
    Saya yakin saya bisa mendapatkan mondar-mandir kalimat Anda.
  • The guys that paces around all night flying his plane.
    Orang yang mondar-mandir tiap malam menerbangkan pesawatnya.
  • I paced off the inside and outside of the garage.
    Saya mondar-mandir dari dalam dan luar garasi.
  • So he's pacing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
    Jadi dia mondar-mandir, bolak-balik, mondar-mandir.
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