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mortdecai bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "mortdecai"
  • Who is this woman Mortdecai and what does she want?
    Mortdecai ini dan dia mau apa?
  • Charlie Mortdecai, you are on very dangerous ground!
    Charlie Mortdecai, kau berada di tempat yang berbahaya!
  • The Mortdecai men have always been in tip-top shape, don't you know?
    Mortdecai selalu prima, kau tahu?
  • Please, will you make up the guest bedroom for Mr. Mortdecai?
    Siapkan kamar tidur tamu untuk Tn. Mortdecai.
  • Her Lady Mortdecai to see you, Your Grace.
    Ny. Mortdecai sudah datang, Yang Mulia.
  • I should be very pleased if you would keep it.
    Mortdecai aku akan senang jika kau mau memakainya.
  • Every Mortdecai man before me has had one.
    Generasi Mortdecai sebelumnya memakai kumis.
  • Vladimir, please to take Mr. Mortdecai's trousers down.
    Vladimir, lepaskan celana Tn. Mortdecai.
  • A lovely Sheridan offered by the Mortdecai estate.
    Sheridan yang indah dari Mortdecai.
  • Ten million pounds from Lord Mortdecai himself.
    £ 10.000.000 dari Tn. Mortdecai.
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