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moscow bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "moscow"
  • The Moscow Circus hired me to fly trapeze
    The Moscow Circus hired me to fly trapeze
  • V\lho's left Moscow only to be with me
    Yg meninggalkan Moscow hanya untuk bisa bersama denganku
  • We had Bourne six weeks ago in Moscow.
    Kami mengejar Bourne Enam minggu lalu di Moscow.
  • I can relay your impatient plan to Moscow.
    Aku bisa sampaikan rencana tergesa-gesa mu ke Moscow,..
  • I need the other number for the guy in Moscow.
    Aku butuh nomor orang Moscow lainnya.
  • The last one died in the Moscow zoo.
    Yang terakhir mati di kebun binatang Moscow.
  • Oh...just like taht, being you, just go to Moscow.
    Kau dan aku pergi ke Moscow.
  • You get me to Moscow or not?
    Bisa kau antar aku ke Moscow atau tidak?
  • One in India and the other in Moscow.
    Satu di India, dan satu di Moscow.
  • The flight manifest says you're going to Moscow.
    Penerbangannya jelas-jelas bilang kalian mau ke Moscow.
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