muridae bahasa Inggris
- murid-murid pertama yesus: calling of the disciples
- murid-murid isa: disciples of jesus in islam
- muriel humphrey: muriel humphrey brown
- murid yang yesus kasihi: disciple whom jesus loved
- muriel ou le temps d'un retour: muriel (film)
- murid sekolah rendah: primary school pupil
- muriel sarah spark: spark; dame muriel spark; muriel spark; muriel sarah spark
- murid sekolah: pupil; schoolboy
- muriel spark: spark; dame muriel spark; muriel spark; muriel sarah spark
- For example, presence of murids (small rodents) was relatively constant during the occupation of the cave, suggesting that humans had little impact on murids.
Misalnya, keberadaan Muridae (tikus kecil) relatif konstan selama pendudukan gua tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa manusia tidak banyak berpengaruh pada hewan-hewan pengerat.