Masuk Daftar

ni bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ni"
  • You can get this in any flea market.
    Benda macam ni boleh dapat di pasar malam.
  • The peanuts...wait, isn't this lift kind of small?
    Kacang tu... nanti, kenapa lif ni agak kecil?
  • Not fair to him, it's us 2 against him.
    Tak adil ni. Kita berdua lawan dia!
  • I was looking for a venture opportunity like this.
    Aku tengah mencari peluang bisnis seperti ni.
  • I gotta find something to close the wound.
    Aku kena cari sesuatu untuk tutup luka ni!
  • You wanted to know whether they worked.
    Kan kau pengen tahu ni barang berfungsi apa ngga?
  • We're assassins who've killed many people
    Kita ni kan pembunuh upahan yg telah membunuh ramai org
  • She stayed there by herself crying.
    Nah si temen gw ni masih di luar, nangis sendirian.
  • I think that's yöur cue to leave.
    Aku rasa itu tanda untuk kau tinggalkan tempat ni.
  • Right now I want yöu to come with me.
    Sekarang ni aku nak kau ikut aku.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5