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pecahan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pecahan"
  • One hot piece of shrapnel and the gasoline explodes.
    Sekeping pecahan panas saja, bensin bisa meledak.
  • Sir, do you have change for the cigarette machine?
    Pak, kau punya pecahan buat mesin rokok?
  • I irradiated the dormant seeds with meteor fragments.
    Aku menyinari benih mati itu dengan pecahan meteor.
  • Only there were no glass shards in the wound.
    Hanya tidak ada pecahan kaca di luka.
  • He has bullet fragments lodged in his brain.
    Dia memiliki pecahan peluru bersarang di otaknya .
  • Both of you are nothing more than magical fragments.
    Kalian berdua tak lebih dari pecahan magis.
  • You have to be careful of glass. They're everywhere.
    Harus hati - hati, banyak pecahan kaca.
  • We're gonna be torn to shreds by shrapnel!
    Kami akan akan tercabik-cabik oleh pecahan peluru !
  • My mother still has glass in her hair.
    Di rambut ibuku masih ada sisa pecahan kacanya.
  • Bag appears to be slightly punctured by broken glass.
    Bungkus tampaknya sedikit tertusuk oleh pecahan kaca.
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