pelik bahasa Inggris
- quaint
- weird
- freaky
- type
- idiotic
- weirdly
- risible
- old timey
- nut case
- preposterous
- freakish
- crackers
- capricious
- rockwellesque
- peculiarly
- ludicrous
- bonkers
- nut
- strange
- special
- eccentric
- ridiculous
- curious
- loony
- antic
- amusing
- particular
- buggy
- whimsical
- awkward
- comic
- curiously
- flaky
- eccentric person
- crackpot
- outlandish
- fantastic
- screwball
- absurd
- wacky
- oddball
- rum
- case
- kookie
- balmy
- rare
- derisory
- bizarre
- funnily
- fantastical
- flake
- outre
- comical
- especial
- unusual
- crank
- haywire
- nonsensical
- rummy
- loco
- clownish
- nutty
- fruity
- kooky
- odd
- buffoonish
- oddly
- character
- whacky
- olde tyme
- peculiar
- round the bend
- exceptional
- around the bend
- cracked
- gonzo
- cockeyed
- bats
- strangely
- funny
- daft
- mirthful
- fruitcake
- queerly
- off-the-wall
- laughable
- geek
- queer
- dotty
- loopy
- zany
- grotesque
- batty
- impulsive
- flakey
- clownlike
- singular
- nuts
- barmy
- perkara yg pelik: mystic
- pelihatan refleks: reflex sight
- peliharaan digital: digital pet
- pelikan: pelican
- peliharaan: domestic; captive
- pelilinan: waxing
- pelihara dengan kasih: care
- pelimpahan: delegation
- pelihara: keep; nurture; breed; take care of; surrogate; cultivate; care; domesticate; care for; foster; look after; protect; manage; be careful; guard; effort; notice; pay attention to; raise; tame; watch
- pelimpahan jasa: transfer of merit
- It compels people to some pretty remarkable places."
Itu menjerumuskan orang ke tempat yang sangat pelik. - Elena, it's complicated-- no, it's not complicated, Damon!
Elena, masalahnya pelik-- tidak. ini tidak pelik, Damon! - I found something weird at the crime scene.
Aku jumpa sesuatu yang pelik dekat lokasi jenayah. - I know it's weird.. my Mom's last name.
Saya tahu ianya pelik. Nama akhir ibu saya. - Strange that it should hit me so hard.
Pelik yang ia buat saya rasa macam ini. - Because it is very difficult so much can go wrong.
Ini sangat pelik tidak boleh ada kesalahan. - Did Minnie behave strangely while she was waiting for you?
Minnie berkelakuan pelik ke masa menunggu awak? - Let's just say that things have gotten complicated.
katakan saja, ada sesuatu yang membuat pelik. - Well, he's complicated... Defiant, ill-mannered, and a little temperamental.
dia ini pelik... dan sedikit temperamental. - Freaky, isn't it, that feeling, the void, the emptiness?
Pelik. perasaan di hindari, rasa kosong?