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pembelian bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pembelian"
  • You engineered an employee buyout of the Smallville plant.
    Kau merekayasa pembelian karyawan dari pabrik Smallville.
  • I thought we talk about big purchases.
    Saya pikir kita kesepakatan tentang pembelian barang-barang mahal .
  • Tell him where the buy is going down.
    Katakan padanya di mana pembelian itu akan turun.
  • I mean, you need a permit just to buy it, so
    Kita harus punya ijin pembelian
  • No phone records, no real estate purchases.
    Tidak ada catatan telepon, tak ada pembelian real estat.
  • The acquisition was completed on December 31, 2009.
    Pembelian ini diselesaikan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009.
  • Given the particular situation, we're going to have to postpone.
    Karena suatu keadaan, kami harus menunda pembelian.
  • And there's a free bucket helmet with every purchase.
    Dan ada helm chum gratis di setiap pembelian.
  • I'm the officer in charge of livestock purchases.
    Aku petugas yg berwenang dalam pembelian ternak.
  • No priors, no history of online purchases.
    Tidak priors, tidak ada sejarah pembelian secara online.
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