penceroboh bahasa Inggris
- pencernaan anaerob: anaerobic digestion
- pencernaan: digestion; digestive; ingestion
- pencerobohan: intrusion; invasion; burglary
- pencerminan diska: disk mirroring
- pencerobohan poland: invasion of poland
- penceritaan: narration; apprisal; yarn; relation; narrative; notification; recital; recounting; recitation; story; tale; telling; reading
- pencerobohan tentera: invasion
- pencerita: narrator; tattletale; storyteller; teller
- pencerutan pembuluh darah: vasoconstriction
- This is all your fault! - Oh! Get the troops and destroy those trespassers!
Panggil pasukan dan hancurkan para penceroboh itu ! - As well as fighting the French, the Việt Minh started a campaign against the Japanese.
Selain menentang pihak Prancis Vichy, Việt Minh melancarkan kempen menentang penceroboh Jepang.