persimpangan-jalan bahasa Inggris
- persimpangan-persimpangan jalan: partings of the ways
- persimpangan jalan: crossing; intersecting street; junction; road junctions
- sudut persimpangan jalan: intersecting street corner
- tipe persimpangan jalan: road junction types
- bulatan yg terdapat di persimpangan jalan: round-about
- persimpangan: crossroad; intersection; intersection (road); crossroads; interchange; junction; carrefour; deviation; intersection point; product; cartesian product; conjugation; crossing; divagation; deflexion; d
- persimpangan bertingkat: interchange (road)
- persimpangan bus serangoon: serangoon bus interchange
- persimpangan kereta api: level crossing
- persimpangan rel kereta api: railway junction
- pengeboman bus di persimpangan patt: patt junction bus bombing
- persimpangan tropicana - las vegas boulevard: tropicana – las vegas boulevard intersection
- jalan: bower; road; route; said good-bye to; st.; street; thoroughfare; way; way out; ways; approach; ave; avenue; carriageway; functional; go; in action; lane; march; place; start up; walk; public road; w
- jalan-jalan: take the air; took the air; saunter; wander; walking; travel around; stroll; go for a walk; walk around; hang out; take a break
- jalan-jalan padang pasir: desert ways