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pertolongan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pertolongan"
  • And in your opinion, Professor... ... Nell does need help?
    Dan menurutmu Profesor, Nell butuh pertolongan?
  • If we need help, I have a brother.
    Jika kau perlu pertolongan, aku punya saudara disini.
  • Maybe these fires were a cry for help.
    Mungkin kebakaran ini adalah karena bingungnya mencari pertolongan.
  • Lex, when I needed help you saved my life.
    Lex, saat aku butuh pertolongan.... ...kau menyelamatkanku.
  • Sir, may I please ask you for one favor?
    pak, bolehkan saya meminta pertolongan dari anda?
  • She tried to get help but she went too late.
    Dia berusaha mencari pertolongan tapi terlambat.
  • As long as you do us one favor,yeah?
    Asal saja kamu memberikan kami satu pertolongan, ya?
  • Your mother helped me when i was in need.
    Ibumu menolongku di saat aku butuh pertolongan.
  • That's why I want to get help from you
    Itulah sebabnya Aku ingin meminta pertolongan darimu.
  • (audience shouting) Come on buddy, give her a little help!
    Cepatlah kawan, beri dia sedikit pertolongan!
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