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pesakitan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pesakitan"
  • pesakitan asia:    sick man of asia
  • pesakitan eropa:    sick man of europe
  • tempat pesakitan:    bar
  • pesakit luar:    outpatient service
  • pesakit kusta:    leper
  • pesakit:    invalid; patient
  • pesakh:    pesah; passover; pesach; feast of the unleavened bread
  • pesam:    hot; warm; tepid; lukewarm
  • pesaka:    inheritance
  • pesan:    message; ordered; communication; note; say; promise; content; instruction; request; topic; warn; charter; instruct; theme; voice; book; enjoin; words; command; notification; order; tell
  • Oh, so now you're not just super, you're psychic.
    sekarang kau bukan hanya super, kau pesakitan
  • It was a truly sick individual that did that.
    Harus orang yang sungguh pesakitan yang membunuhnya.
  • Don't play the sick man with me, Mr. Morton.
    Jangan bahas orang yang pesakitan denganku, Tuan Morton.
  • His father was a good, but sickly, man.
    Ayahnya orang yang baik, tapi pesakitan.
  • I thought you were a sick pony,
    Kupikir kau itu kuda yang pesakitan,
  • Sick Man of Europe Scott, David (2008).
    Pesakitan Eropa ^ Scott, David (2008).
  • Maiden Yoyo Siu is possessed by a sick, relentless demon.
    Yoyo Siu menjadi pesakitan karena dirasuki Iblis yang tak mengenal kasihan!
  • Let's get back to the business and leave this 'sick America.'
    Ayo kita kembali ke bisnis dan tinggalkan Amerika pesakitan ini.
  • You're a sick son of a bitch.
    Kau ini pesakitan brengsek.
  • You strangle 'em as you're fucking 'em, don't you, you sick fuck?
    Kamu mencekik mereka ketika menyetubuhinya, bukankan begitu, dasar keparat pesakitan?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3