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petugas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "petugas"
  • Our officers of the law bring in their prisoners alive.
    Petugas hukum kami membawa mereka hidup-hidup.
  • Calais, he said, and the other officer knocked him down.
    Calais, katanya, dan petugas lainnya mengecewakannya.
  • Now, now, you heard what the officer said.
    Nah, sekarang, Anda mendengar apa kata si petugas.
  • Resisting a federal officer, that's a year right there!
    Menolak petugas federal, hukumannya setahun di penjara!
  • State police got a gas station attendantin Riverdale.
    Kepolisian Negara mendapat petugas pompa bensin di Riverdale.
  • He beat up two of the attendants and escaped.
    Dia memukuli dua petugas dan melarikan diri.
  • Science Officer Spock, reporting as ordered, Captain.
    Petugas Ilmu Pengetahuan Spock, melapor seperti yang diperintahkan, Kapten.
  • I'm gonna need somebody to be the new watch commander.
    Aku akan membutuhkan pengawas petugas baru.
  • Officer Tackleberry. You're trained for motorcycle duty?
    Petugas Tackleberry.Apa kau pernah berlatih patroli menggunakan sepeda motor?
  • I like an officer with a sense of humor.
    Aku suka seorang petugas dengan rasa humor.
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