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pison bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pison"
  • Pison Avenue, Atria Park, Iloilo City, Philippines (Open map)
    Pison Avenue, Atria Park District, Barangay San Rafael Mandurriao, Iloilo City, Filipinler (Haritayı aç)
  • Pison Avenue, Atria Park, Iloilo City, Philippines (Open map)
    Pison Avenue, Atria Park District, Barangay San Rafael Mandurriao, Iloilo City, Filipiny (Mapa dojazdu)
  • The name of the first is Pishon, which is the circumnavigator of the land of Havilah where there is gold.
    Yang pertama, namanya Pison, yakni yang mengalir mengelilingi seluruh tanah Hawila, tempat emas ada.
  • Pishon Ireh PT is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. The company is engaged in the business activities of General Business.
    PT. Pison Ireh terletak di Jakarta, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam kegiatan usaha Bisnis Umum.
  • In this theory, the Bible’s Gihon would correspond with the Karun in Iran, and the Pishon River would correspond to the Wadi Batin river system that once drained the now dry, but once quite fertile central part of the Arabian Peninsula.
    Menurut teori ini, Gihon dalam Alkitab sesuai letaknya dengan dengan Karun di Iran, dan Sungai Pison sesuai letaknya dengan jaringan sungai Wadi Batin yang pernah dialiri air namun kini kering, tetapi suatu ketika dulu merupakan bagian penting dari Semenanjung Arab yang cukup subur.