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portland bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "portland"
  • WZON is off the air, but Portland's still broadcasting.
    WZON tidak mengudara, tapi Portland masih siaran
  • Andrew Kilburn, a sophomore at Portland State.
    Andrew Kilburn, seorang mahasiswa tingkat dua di Portland State.
  • Portland Air Traffic Control Tower in Portland, Maine.
    Menara Kontrol Lalu Lintas Udara di Portland, Maine.
  • We came all the way from Portland for this.
    Kami datang jauh-jauh dari Portland untuk ini.
  • They're in northeast Portland, by the river.
    Mereka ada di timur laut Portland, di pinggir sungai.
  • We know why he was here in Portland?
    apakah kita tahu kenapa dia berada di Portland?
  • Brinkerhoff! - You okay? - Yeah, but you gotta stop him.
    Detektif Hank Griffin, Portland pd.
  • And you continue this fair tradition in Portland?
    dan kau melanjutkan tradisi seperti ini di portland?
  • Well, I was working for these guys out in Portland.
    Aku kerja dengan orang-orang di Portland.
  • There's this guy in Portland, friend of a friend.
    Ada orang di Portland, teman dari temanku.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5