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proteksionisme bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "proteksionisme"
  • Globalization, liberalization, and environmentalism.
    Neoliberalisme bertolakbelakang dengan sosialisme, proteksionisme, dan environmentalisme.
  • He has also authored a number of articles on international trade and customs issues.
    Dia menulis beberapa traktat perdagangan internasional dan masalah proteksionisme.
  • IMF says Asia facing risks from rise in protectionism
    IMF mengatakan Asia menghadapi risiko bangkitnya proteksionisme
  • Indonesia, Malaysia Discuss Negative Campaign Against Palm Oil
    Indonesia Ajak ASEAN, Uni Eropa Cegah Proteksionisme Terhadap Sawit
  • On economic policy, Le Pen favours protectionism as an alternative to free trade.
    Dalam bidang ekonomi, Le Pen mendukung proteksionisme sebagai alternatif dari perdagangan bebas.
  • Some scholars have implicated protectionism as the cause of some economic crises, most notably the Great Depression.
    Perang dagang dan proteksionisme juga telah dianggap sebagai penyebab beberapa krisis ekonomi, khususnya Depresi Besar.
  • Victoria had an opposite policy of protectionism with tariffs imposed on goods coming into the state from other colonies.
    Victoria memegang kebijakan proteksionisme dengan tarif yang diberikan pada barang yang datang dari koloni lain.
  • The Whigs, on the other hand, advocated the primacy of Congress over the executive branch as well as policies of modernization and economic protectionism.
    Secara khusus, Whig mendukung supremasi kongres atas lembaga kepresidenan dan mempopulerkan program modernisasi dan proteksionisme ekonomi.
  • Beijing Consensus Development Economics Arthur Lewis Protectionism Structuralist economics Neomercantilism Smith, Tony "Requiem or New Agenda for Third World Studies?"
    Konsensus Beijing Ekonomi pembangunan Arthur Lewis Proteksionisme Ekonomi strukturalis ^ a b Smith, Tony "Requiem or New Agenda for Third World Studies?"
  • The party also supports greater government intervention in the economy, protectionism, a zero tolerance approach to law and order, and significant cuts to legal immigration.
    Kebijakan-kebijakan utamanya meliputi proteksionisme ekonomi, pendekatan nol toleransi terhadap isu-isu hukum dan ketertiban, dan penolakan terhadap imigrasi.
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