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radiasi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "radiasi"
  • God forbid that it should have to withstand that.
    Tuhan mengharuskan gedung itu tahan radiasi nuklir.
  • Valeris, do you know anything about a radiation surge?
    Valeris, apakah kau tahu tentang peningkatan radiasi?
  • I've got a severe radiation leak on site.
    Aku punya parah radiasi kebocoran di situs .
  • This so called jade is admitting low level radiation.
    "Batu Giok" ini mengandung "Radiasi Tingkat Rendah".
  • The solar radiation damaged the auto fire extinguishers.
    Radiasi matahari rusak alat pemadam api otomatis tersebut.
  • But this thalaron radiation just can't be explained away.
    Tapi radiasi thalaron ini tidak dapat dijelaskan.
  • Okay, let's hit Freddie with the gamma radiation.
    Oke, mari kita beri Freddie dengan radiasi gamma.
  • Our uniforms were exposed to the storm, like us.
    Seragam kita terkena badai radiasi, seperti kita.
  • Radiates heat more effectively in warmer climates.
    Panas radiasi lebih efektif di iklim yg lebih panas.
  • Has your mother had any recent exposure to radiation?
    Apakah ibumu sebelumnya pernah terjangkit radiasi tertentu?
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